Friday, September 28, 2012

Worm Fun - Science in Disguise

Because the majority of my kids like worms (as Meatloaf once opined,  two out of three ain't bad), when I came across this post, I decided immediately that a big bowl of gelatin worms would be in my family's future!  I figured this little hands-on project would make stuff they learn on plain old worksheets seem more interesting.

(Who says Pinterest is a waste of time?!) 

Since orange jello was the only flavor I had two boxes of, I modified this a bit and added both red AND green food coloring.  I didn't count the drops, I just did my best to make the jell-o mix look as much like a bunch of blended up worms as I cold.  

Blech.  lol.

My friend had dropped three of her brood off to be watched, as well, so all six kiddos had an ooey-gooey good time helping to make these little critters.

This was, without a doubt, the most fun I have ever had while being completely disgusted! 

We opted for the "Straw pinching" method of "birthing" our worms.

Trincy's tended to come out in pieces, due to her technique.  This is also how real life worms typically end up in her possession.   Irony? You decide.

Close up of the DISGUSTING segment part of our worms! Eeew!
This is what was left in the carton after our worm-making.  I called it "compost".

Worm "castings" (remnants from making worms dumped into a bowl)

My friend's daughter, Bananna, enjoying a worm. Note: This worm is stuck to her bottom lip.  The worms really cannot be slurped like noodles, they come out too flimsy for that.  Perhaps another packet of unflavored jello might have solved this?
                                Kids and I were completely grossed out, but we had a BLAST!

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