Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Spring" cleaning

Did you see that? Did you see how I put the word "Spring" in quotes?

That is because although, technically, chronologically, it is seven days past the first day of spring,  here I sit, staring out the window at the carnage wrought (aka, fallen snow) by the blizzard we had day before yesterday.

Yes. You read that right.

A blizzard.

In March.

You (and I) can thank the lovely people who are actually hoping Flint breaks some kind of snowfall record.

Thanks a lot, sickos.

I know, I know, "It's only March," you say, "in Michigan".

Marvelous, Mecurial, Michigan March.

"March comes in like a lion," you say.

But might I remind you that there is a "part two" to that adage you are flinging at me?

 "and out like a LAMB."

Like a LAMB.

Cute, cuddly, frolick-y and SPRING-Y!
image courtesy of

(Don't you dare remind me that lambs have fleece as white as snow.)


This blog post is about my "Spring" Cleaning escapades so far.

Yes, I have been "Spring" Cleaning.

I need to pause here so that my fainted readership can regain senses.

I have come to this place, this new, unchartered (by me) Land of "Spring" Cleaning via the route of Leadership and was transported by a completely unexpected vehicle - Difficult Circumstances.

How, you ask, have Difficulties driven me to "Spring" Cleaning?


You see, I have discovered something. It might come as a suprise to you. Surely, it is a suprise to me. here it is:

 I can not control everything.

"What!?" you exclaim.

"That's right," I reply, "I cannot!"

What I can control:

  • The amount of soap scum on my shower door. 
  • The organization of my pantry cupboard
  • The amount of dust on my bookshelves

So, today, I give thanks for all the  Difficult Circumstances in my life, as they are teaching me to appreciate the Serenity Prayer and to embrace "Spring" Cleaing, which will, ultimately, give me a better sense of well-being (and a happier family).

(Note to the Man Upstairs: this is not a request for more life difficulty.)

Today I will clear dust, flip mattresses, and wipe walls, thankful for the satisfaction I will get from simply seeing something come out just as I would have it.

I will ride my difficulties through the Land of "Spring" Cleaning, smiling all the way, and I will actually be able to see the reflection of that smile in my newly polished mirrors.

I'm not sure I'm ever going to make it to the neighboring land of "Clean Freak", but you never know...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No snow day for us.

We are getting about 4 to six inches of snow today. Kids are still doing school. However,  new snow means the potential for another day of sledding this year. We shall see.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I am a Lazy Blogger

I had a few ideas to blog about today.

Everything required lots of thought and lots of editing.

So, instead, you are getting this post.

I guess it is good that I am at least thinking about my blog, and actually doing the work of blogging more.

I guess it is good that I now intend to post those longer, more complicated topics in the near future.


Okay, since I feel you, the reader, deserves something more than the above, I am going to resist the urge to publish the page as is and am, instead, going to jot a list here of topics I wish to cover in the future.

* More than Boy Crazy - my intentional efforts to give my girls "something to do" in life besides talking about boys.

* Common What? My confusion and ignorance about Common Core and how that is slowly changing, for better or for worse.

* Conference Talk - Exploring conference sessions I may be qualified to speak on (inspired by the conference talks I have seen recently)

*Slow and not-so-steady - How the book I am editing has taken over ten years to get from first draft to final-edit-in-progress.

* SPRING IS HERE - a mythical romp through an imaginary Michigan that is covered with green grass and spring flowers.

Stay tuned. Perhaps I can find some ambition in the bottom of this morning's coffee cup.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Conference weekend

I  co-hosted a conference this weekend with my Co-Op Co-Coordinator.

Everything went well.

My Co-Op is HEARTH.

Did you know people do not know how to pronounce the word, "hearth"?  This is interesting to me. My Co-Coordinator and I picked this name because we liked the comfy-cozy feeling the word invoked in each of us. The idea of Mom, Dad, and kiddos hanging around the fireplace, just being snuggly and together, just seemed like the right "feeling" for our Co-Op name.

We never had any idea it would cause people consternation.

Anyhow, if you are a homeschooler in the Genesee County, MI area or surrounding, look us up. We have all kinds of field trip opportunities along with our Co-Op.