Monday, January 5, 2015

A Writer Who Doesn't Read

I used to read a lot. My Mom will still talk about how she couldn't get me to go outside and play - I always had my nose in a book.

I haven't been much of a reader, as an adult. What I mean is, I haven't been much of a book reader, as an adult. I read plenty online.

That wouldn't matter a whit if I didn't "worry" every time I read writing advice in the vein of: "to be a good writer, you need to read, and read a lot". So, occasionally, I start to feel uneasy, or guilty, or something, about not being a "true" reader, anymore, and I start the search for something to read.

Whilst in the throes of one such attack of writer-ly conscience, I picked up "The Book Thief" after seeing a trailer for it at the movies. CLICK HERE to read my review. For fun, I wrote it in the style of Markus Zusak, who wrote "The Book Thief". I hope you enjoy my review.