In an effort to improve our home's air quality a bit, Husband is desirous for us to try keeping some houseplants.
Always eager to please, J-Bird and I came home with this little beauty:
This is a carnivorous plant commonly known as a Venus Fly Trap.
Yes, I said carnivorous.
"Feed me, Seymour!"
You should see this thing EAT! It is soooo fast!
Tons. Of. Fun.
While thought to be exotic, Fly Traps do grow in the USA, in one of the Carolinas (don't ask me "North or South?", ask my kids. I bet they remember. ...little over-acheivers...)
Ours is named Herman. The instructions are not to remove Herman from his "cage" in order to preserve moisture and keep him roasty-toasty like it is in whichever Carolina.
So far Herman has eaten a teensy baby moth with an adorable furry little face
"now kids, I know it is cute, but God made the earth as such that everything must eat something, even cute things"
and a cricket is hopping around precariously in Herman's cage, as well.
These things are really only supposed to be force-fed about once per week, so we are going to let it ride for now.
Yes, I have managed to keep the kids from putting fingers into Herman's traps.
So far.
Anyway, lest you think I am a dolt for completely disregarding air quality when plant shopping, you will be glad to know that J-bird and I also came home with some "luck bamboo", as other plants of the same type were bearing little tags that indicating bamboo is good for the air and stuff like that.
I am sure now that the kids and I have a "mission", we will come up with some other varieties to add to our collection. I know a friend of mine put a post on her facebook recently about plants that are good for the air.
Also, Trincy happens to be taking BOTANY as a homeschool Co-op class this year!
We are going to have so much fun learning about plants!
Plants make such a great tool for observation and experimentation. There's so much you can learn from plants:) I picked up that mint plant at the AHG meeting and its growing like crazy. The kids love chewing the leaves and sometimes we put it in hot cocoa. It smells awesome. Not sure about air quality with mint, but it improves air scent, lol!