Friday, August 22, 2014

I Am Confusing Myself. Or, I Am Making Things Too Complicated.

Sometimes, I post stuff to my Author's blog that I would also like to post here, but I don't want to bore you (awesome, wonderful, supportive, fantastic, valued) followers of both blogs by re-posting.

So... do I just link each of those posts to a post here?

How do I go about "re-posting" a blog from WordPress to this here Blogger blog?

These are the mysteries of the blogging universe I shall set out to solve...someday.

Meanwhile, please enjoy the latest installment of my Author's Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I understand your confusion. I've run into the same thing myself. I think in WordPress, you can export a single blog post and import it into your blogger blog. I think you have to use a free online convert tool, first, though. Never tried it myself, but I am thinking about merging my 2 blogs into one (wordpress into blogger). Not that you'd want to do that, but you could.

    1. Good feedback. I am not sure if I wan to merge the two, or not. I like the idea of having this one for non-writerly thoughts, but, as you can see, it doesn't quite get updated as much as the other one. Hmm.
